jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Essay on The Fly In The Ointment

In the story the fly in the ointment by V.S Pritchett what you can see is an old man that wants to change his life but he cannot because he is obsessive This is a big problem, because this man doesn’t know how to live without money. He will show two personalities which will place him in a difficult situation, in this Essay the theme to be explain will be “double personality"

Thought the story the old man will be on bankrupt, he is so obsessive with money that this  will take him to his own bankruptcy. When he was a young boy he started with his own factory made by nothing and then after many years of working this factory grew and became a Became prosperous. Then after 30 years later he would live his last day of his work. In this case he would try to think that he did not need money to live but in many Opportunities he will shows the opposite, his other face

The title "The Fly in the Ointment" is an idiom: The fly would be the man and the ointment the money.
In the story we have Two different personalities
The real personality (the one that he wants to hide ) which is the one that wants and needs money to live. Even he tries to hide it he cannot change his real personality. He is a cold man that only cares about money, without caring about any other thing.
The unreal personality is the one that he wants to show, this personality will try to hide the real one; this one shows a good man, a man that cares about life and love and not only money.
In this story there is a key moment when the fly enters the room and the son and father are talking. The man tries to get it because he hates these insects but he was an old man and he cannot get it. This will represent that the man does not get what he wants to.

Reading this book makes me realize that many people live because of money, work because of money and in many cases they do illegal things because of money, they think is more important than many other things. Only a few people have the capacity to know that money is not the only reason to live and that life without money can be possible.


   this image represent what a fly and an Ointment is.


lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

El codigo de barras y el codigo QR

el código QR
permite almacenar información en una especie de código de barras de última generación.

El código de barras 
Es un sistema que es un código basado en un conjunto de líneas paralelas verticales de distinto grosor y espaciado que en su conjunto contienen una determinada información.

codigo de barras                                                                                        codigo qr:

el codigo QR del aluminio:

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Short Story

For LL/writing we have to do a short story. Based on the rules of this type of texts
we can choose 2 differents topics:
-a bad relation ship with a mother and a son or daughter
- and about "social classes" 
                                                      MY MOTHER, AND ME
When I was a little boy , like it usually happened, I loved my mum. In almost all cases we still loved her until she died, even when she died we thought, that she was still there. But in my case it was not like that, I didn't love her, even when she brought me to earth. I don't care; there were no words that can describe the damage she brought me. How could I resist so many years? I didn't know. Why was she pregnant if she didn't want to have a baby? , those are some of the questions. But I'm not interested to focus on that. Now that I'm free I will live my life. Without anybody disturbing me. Thank god I escaped from my mum, I so sure I choose the correct way. -but why did you escaped? My friend Tommy asked. I sat down such in a comfortable way and I said- the story began like this:
One day when I was a little boy I lived on the streets with my mum, she didn't love me, she hated me, we usually worked up about 5:30 and we "start working". Our work was that she sat down on a chair collecting money and I cleaned the shoes of strange people. In that time I loved doing that. I always did my work with a lot of effort. I also did it because I appreciated that woman a lot, that woman that sit down in that chair and counted coin by coin. One day I asked her, -how did you do to get such an important job? Admiring her - because I have you! jajaja! she told me. In that moment I have fun with her because I had no idea of what she was referring to.
That day I thought a lot about the words my mother told me.
Days passed by and I still thought about that day " I cannot get what she said" I told myself. Now I'm 13 and yes, I realize the meaning of those words that changed my life. after some years I continued being the innocent guy that I had always been. But the next year I changed and not because of me because of my mum, yes, my mother. She start treating me worse than before and I started to feel unhappy, the next 3 years were of poor unhappiness. I started to worked more and more. I worked as a seller of socks that a man gave me, as a gardener, going house by house and selling drugs. I needed the money a lot. So, I did it but it was not a difficult situation, I have never consumed anything and that gave me a lot of money. that was the problem the money. I worked a lot and I never had my money even worse, I had nothing . Thats why one day I didn't want that life never more. I told my mum that I was going to work. In my bag I took all my money and I escaped. I didn't know where but I go.
Now I have a family. My wife josely and my two sons Louis and Victor. I love them and I am very happy.

We also read a short story called the son's veto of Thomas Hardy

here are some images:

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Quimica en casa

  • democrito: nosotros, y el mundo que nos rodea formamos un ecosistema osea el planeta tierra. entonces a nosotros nos de vera de formar algo mas pequeño e invisible llamado átomo que al unirse forma algo mucho mas grande
  • jhon dalton: -1844 postula que los átomos son partículas discretas que se mantienes constantemente en movimiento. si hablamos de un elemento estos serán totalmente iguales. nunca se destruyen solo cambian la distribucion compuestos químicos están formados por átomos de compuesto. pueden mezclarse átomos de diferentes elementos pero siempre con una porción fija.
  • joseph john thomson: 1856-1940: los rayos pueden atravesar cierta materia si es que son atraídos por una carga positiva o negativa.
  • ernest rutherford: 1871-1937: este disparo partículas en una lamina de oro. con esto se dieron cuenta que algunas particulas lograban atravesar la lamina de oro. los que no pasaban eran los que tenían una carga negativa ya que no eran atraídos por el oro: canga positiva
  • niels bohr: limitado nivel de órbitas.
  • alberst einseit 1939: advirtió al presidente de EEUU que una bomba explotaría por la desintegración nuclear. tristemente esta termino explotando

lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

Pied Beauty

How tired I am, I hate airplanes I had always hated them, specially that one, that moves a lot. I think I have cut my leg with the chair of that plane and it hurts my a lot. Lets go to the parck mum told me that I can have some inspiration there . Oh my god I think I'm lost, were I am? well don't worry I can ask somebody, Oh no! I can not I don't speak their language. So, what can I do? ok my poem can be"lost in the middle of the English countriside" or another "the worst poem of my life" what can I do? I can't take any inspiration here, It`s the same of my country, so, why have I come here? it is a waste of time and a waste of money, a waste of life! I will sit down so I can relax.
Oh look this chair with those dappld colour it is so beautifuland look to this table, and this wall, look at this floor and all the things that are here those super dappled things! I love them! they are so beautiful, where am I?ahh... now yes, now all takes sense. I am in the dappled place, okey so now I can have some inspiration !thanks god¡. Uhh look at the hour it is very late and I don't have a place to stay, I don`t even have a tent or something to sleep in and be secured. Ah I can go with my uncle so then I stay with them she always made the best coffee of the soups! how tasty are the soups she makes. I will go there now. But I'm lost so it is a little bit difficult to get there, Oh I have a serious problem, where I would go to sleep, What time is it? ahh it's 6 o'clock I will go to sit down,
Look that frog it is dappled! and that leave is dappled too! so good dappled things, I will write about that in my poem.
 Gerard Manley Hopkins.( author)

pied things:  
 rose moles
skies of couple colour
 brinded cow.

domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

El engaño que cambio mi Vida.

"Marcupus lo logramos,más lindos de lo que pensamos" y esas fueron las últimas palabras de fathilupus, un chico alto depredador, pero por el interior era totalmente diferente. Parecía ser una especie horrible con cuernos y frente con 3 ojos. Pero el no era así el era mi fiel amigo.
La esperanza interminable término, la esperanza interminable ya pasó , y tanto esfuerzo por sólo un pedazo de papel que para mi valían demasiado. Todo empezó así:
Un día totalmente igual a otros, en la jaula junto a fathilupus, algo inesperado pasó; una carta una mismísima carta que nos cambiaría la vida para siempre. Esta decía:

Se qué te he fallado por nunca haber estado,
Igual fue complicado lidiar toda la vida extrañadote
Y espero que me perdones, te estamos esperando
Tu familia.

Como ya se imaginarán esta carta era solo un engaño solo para que nosotros vayamos hasta ese lugar, pero sin saberlo los dos luego leer esto decidimos escapar sin dudarlo, de esa jaula. Luego de dos días de planearlo lo hicimos y salimos al mundo real. Lo primero que tuvimos que hacer fue buscar comida y agua pero no fue tan difícil porque sabíamos donde el zoológico guardaba la comida y no era difícil ubicarse porque estaba a una cuadra de este. Lo decidimos llamar guarida, ya que dormíamos ahí también. Una vez hecho eso salimos a buscar a la familia, a la deseada familia. Empezamos por los bosques cercanos, buscamos todo el día y volvíamos a dormir y comer a la guarida.
Luego de buscar días, semanas, meses de bosque en bosque
las esperanzas empezaron a disminuir ya que quedaba un solo bosque para revisar y buscar lo más que podamos. Nos preparamos, recuperamos energías y fuimos. Comenzamos a buscar como siempre lo hemos echo: primero en los árboles y luego en el suelo y aire. Luego de una sudorosa búsqueda nos sentamos a descansar en una gran colina, eran respiros, silencio cuando de repente se escucho un grito. Este venía de una niña de la misma especie de fathy no era muy amiga nuestra pero conocida del zoológico que se abría escapado por la misma causa que nosotros, cayo en la misma trampa. Pero fathilupus fue a ver y y ahí estaban, nuestra deseada familia y el dijo"marcupus lo logramos más lindos de lo que pensamos" y en ese mismo instante mi padre apretó el gatillo.
Me acerque con las manos en alto y dije " así que ustedes son mi familia, soy marcupus y el era fathilupus mi mejor amigo " pero a ellos lo les intereso lo único que hicieron fue dar media vuelta e irse no se preocuparon, ni me pidieron perdón. Yo los intente perseguir pero ellos volaban mucho más rápido y alto .
Y así fue como perdí a mi mejor amigo.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Carrera Al 20

Nosotros en matematica hicemos un proyecto con el programa "scratch". Este mismo es un juego llamado carrera al 20 donde tiene que sumar  1 0 2 hasta llegar al 20